1. What are some of the arguments for and against the use of digital media?

Resulta ng larawan para sa against digital

It is evident in today’s world that digital media has taken over.  The digital revolution is solely responsible for this which the change from electronic technology and analog mechanical to digital technology.  Technology plays an intricate part of our daily lives and has become an indispensable part of our lives; however is this epidemic of digital media more beneficial or detrimental to us? Here are some of the arguments for and against the use of digital media:

Arguments for digital media:
・ Digital media is effective in the sense that it helps us develop our visual processing ability.
・ It makes communication and collaboration much easier.
・ Digital media offers so many new and easier opportunities to discover information.
・ It helps to organize knowledge and make it more accessible to the world.
・ Makes our lives accessible in the palm of our hand and makes everything much easier.
・ Allows us to multitask and do numerous things at once.

Arguments against digital media:
・ Digital technologies are damaging our ability to think clearly and focus.
・ It causes users to develop a desire to multitask; which can be negative in the sense that it causes distractions and disruptions. These prevent our brains from creating the neural connections that constitute full understanding of a topic.
・ The constant distractions that result from the use of digital media are causing our brains to be massively remodeled in a negative way. In addition, the distractions are undermining our ability to focus.
・ Distracts us from our priorities and diminishes our capabilities to learn.

2. How might the brain affected by constant digital media usage?

Resulta ng larawan para sa brain affected by constant digital media usage

Digital media would greatly help us in the world as well as other technologies. However, if used continuously can cause health problems. Vision problems continued to decline also occur when using the computer for too long. Besides, the new studies suggest that digital technologies are damaging our ability to think clearly and focus.

3. Do you think these arguments outweigh the positives of digital media usage? Why or why not?

As for me, I think the above is indeed the negative side of technology. However, in the world of technology such as current location, we will have to use the technology so that we can continue to survive and not lose against our competitors.

4. What additional concerns are there for children using digital media? Should children under 8 use computers and cellphones? Why or why not?

Resulta ng larawan para sa brain affected by constant digital media usage

The main concern about children and digital devices are that their brains are not fully developed.  Actually, our brains are not fully developed until our early twenties.  Research has addressed concerns about radiation from cell phone use which may cause brain damage.  However, this latest research lends concern of the effects of over use of technology on the formation of our brain. This remodeling change have caused lack of concentration and focus, and constant distractions have caused major concern of nueroscientist for children as well as adults of modern technology.