About Myself

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This blog is my school activity blog where all of our case studies will be posted here. Im not type of person who usually writes diary where i could post what’s happening in my daily routine. so do not expect me to post someting about me hehehe. I can also use this to share ideas or new updates in Technology, Sports, Business, Food and New trends that will surely gives you valuable information.

UPDATE – 2/14/2023: It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve created this webpage during my college activities and planning to be active again here in my blog as this would be the testament of my progress in creating and designing webpages. To be a Web Developer is my dream job and I’ll be practicing my skills in Web pages from now on. To share some updates in my life after graduating, I’m currently a Software Engineer in a well-known cloud computing company located in US but reporting here in the Philippines. If given a chance an opportunity to be a Web Developer, I would gladly accept that offer without any hesitation. Please feel free to drop a comment or feedback. Appreciate visiting my Page. Thanks!